UR International Group


Questions? We have answers

Can you promise I won’t be tracked whilst using ur point?

Yes. Ur Point doesn’t use tracking technology to gather data about its members.

If I make a compliant about abuse on ur point what will happen?

We take complaints of abuse and bullying very seriously. All complaints will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. Depending on the severity of the abuse, this could be anything from a warning to a lifetime ban from the platform.

What do I do if I forget my password?

If you forget your password, its quick and easy to reset it. Just click the forgot password link underneath the login box and you’ll be prompted to enter your email address. Then we’ll email you a link to reset it.

Will I be safe from abuse?

We do everything we can to protect our members from abuse. Ur Point is programmed to detect instances of bullying and trolling automatically. There are also built-in safeguards that allow you to raise the alarm at any time.

Will ur Point sell my data?

No. Ur Point won’t sell any of the data which you have provided to us to any third party organisations. Any personal data will only be used exclusively by the Ur International Group to provide the services you’ve subscribed to.